All NJSA Members are invited to attend our virtual NJSA Legislative Committee Open Meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 2pm.
The bill was not voted on at November 21st Senate meeting, but will likely be on the agenda for the December 22nd meeting. The purpose of this open meeting is to update NJSA members on S-511, discuss our next steps and answer any questions that members may have about the future of this bill.
The Legislative Committee attendees will be Mike Menzer and Wendy Tordilio (NJSA Co-Presidents), Patrick Stewart (NJSA Lobbyist), Toby Malara and Stephen Dwyer (American Staffing Association).
Please note, this meeting is for NJSA members only and we will be doing a roll call at the start of the meeting to verify membership.
New Jersey Staffing Alliance P. O. Box 518 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Tel: 973-283-0072 Fax: 856-727-9504
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