TAC will speak to NJSA members about all important updates surrounding healthcare and medical benefits plans. This includes changes to the ACA, Medicare part D notices 10/15/22, surprise Billing final ruling/medical billing errors, the FMLA, and MLR Rebates. It’s important for employers, especially in staffing, to remain compliant. This is especially true now with the increase in ACA fines and the overhauling of the IRS. It’s equally important that your broker or advisor keeps clients up to date on any changes in rules pertaining to healthcare.
Registration Fees:NJSA Members: No Charge Non-Members: $35 per person
Cancellations will be accepted via email by October 6, 2022.
No Refunds after October 6, 2022.
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New Jersey Staffing Alliance P. O. Box 518 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Tel: 973-283-0072 Fax: 856-727-9504
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