NJSA understands the pressure that all New Jersey staffing firms are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal is to provide support to the community by providing a free online educational series for our members to hear expert advice on a variety of topics.
May 7th Topic: Force Majeure and Contract Issues with COVID-19
Speaker: Marc D. Freedman - Freedman & Friedland LLC
About "Ask the Experts" Series:
The “Ask the Experts” series is a members-only benefit that offers staffing professionals the opportunity to ask questions to our industry partner experts. Each session will be limited to 30 people per call. The small group size will allow the sessions to be interactive discussions, rather than a standard presentation through a webinar. Each session will showcase a different industry partner discussing topics that pertain to their unique industry. All participants will be invited to submit questions in advance during the registration process, but additional questions will be permitted on the call.
New Jersey Staffing Alliance P. O. Box 518 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Tel: 973-283-0072 Fax: 856-727-9504
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