We invite you to a cocktail reception to kick off 2020 with NJSA! Attendees will meet and mingle with the 2020 NJSA Board of Directors to learn what’s new in 2020 and how to maximize your NJSA membership.
Members from national and regional staffing firms will be on hand to tell you why they joined the New Jersey Staffing Alliance, and our valuable Industry Partners will showcase their services to assist in your company’s growth and success.
NJSA's lobbyist, Patrick Stewart from Public Strategies Impact, will also provide a brief update on the legislative and legal issues staffing firms need to know to operate successfully in New Jersey.
We are also excited to induct our first two individuals into the NJSA Hall of Fame: Jack Wellman from Wellman Insights and Vince Grillo from Access Capital. Please join us as we recognize Jack and Vince for their dedication and service to NJSA!
Jack Wellman has worked in the staffing industry since 1986 - 34+ years so far and loving every minute of it! He was Executive Vice President of Oxford and Associates (now part of ASGN Incorporated) until 1998, when he moved to New Jersey to become President of Joule Inc., headquartered in Edison NJ. Jack always valued participation in industry associations, representing Oxford since 1986 at both the predecessor of the American Staffing Association and the National Technical Services Association. Now in New Jersey, Jack not only continued his involvement in the national associations, but also joined the New Jersey Association of Temporary Services which was considering a merger with the New Jersey Staffing Association to become the New Jersey Staffing Alliance. Jack strongly believed in NJSA's mission and worked on various committees and projects to improve the future for NJSA, the industry, and its suppliers. With the sale of Joule Inc. to System One in 2013, Jack formed a consulting firm, Wellman Insights LLC, and continues to provide support and his perspectives to owners and senior managers in the staffing industry nationally. Despite moving to Massachusetts, Jack still is involved in New Jersey's staffing industry's future by providing his assistance and support to NJSA's Legislative Committee. Some people just won't go away completely!
Vince Grillo is a Senior Vice President of Access Capital and has been with the company for over 25 years.
He is a second-generation financing executive with over 30 years of industry experience. Prior to his post at Access Capital, he began his career at Chase Credit Services, later working for Irving Commercial and the Bank of New York.
Vince enjoys working with staffing company owners; be it discussing strategic planning, providing solutions for financing needs, or mentoring start-ups. Vince's experience and expertise in the staffing industry have allowed him to be a valuable contributor to the many organizations he is active in.
Vince is a former member of the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Staffing Alliance and is currently on their programs committee. He is also an active member of the Techserve Alliance, the Mid Atlantic Staffing Association, the Massachusetts Staffing Association, the American Staffing Association and Staffing Industry Analysts. It is because of his lending expertise and reputation for professionalism in the industry that Vince is a highly respected member of the asset based lending community.
Vince is a graduate of St. Francis College in Brooklyn. He lives in Bogota, New Jersey with his wife and their two children. In his spare time, Vince is an avid musician and plays guitar in bands at local venues and for various charities.
Access Capital is the nation's premier independent commercial finance company serving the staffing industry nationwide. We have been financing the success of clients for over thirty years ranging in size from young start up enterprises to large public companies offering asset based lending, acquisition financing and advisory services.
Registration Fee: $25
Light dinner buffet is included. Cash bar available.
This event is being co-sponsored by